

Located where the Great Plains meet the Rocky Mountains, 和 now with the James C. 坚尼地山校园 毗邻罗斯福国家森林, we embody the spirit of exploration 和 discovery that defines our region. The University of Denver is a private institution built on exploration through research 和 collaboration among educators 和 students, 以及当地和全球社区. 这种创新精神是我们的招牌 4 d的经验 和 a core commitment to making a real difference in communities around the world leads to our recognized status as a Very High 研究 University (or "R1") by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.

拥有国家认可的学术课程, 具有广泛影响的历史, a forward-looking vision for a 21st century education 和 a deep commitment to promoting inclusion, we open a world of opportunity to students 和 empower them to make a difference around the world.

使命、愿景 & 值



我们提供严格和有益的经验-4D体验— for our students through a holistic approach to education that transforms students into leaders. 通过学习, 学术与实践, 学生获得经验, knowledge 和 courage they need to tackle big challenges in the real world 和 guide diverse communities 和 organizations. We're proud to offer these high-impact experiences to our students as part of their University journey:

  • 通过服务和公民责任参与社区
  • 荒野,健康和团队建设的经验 坚尼地山校园 距丹佛北部仅两小时车程 
  • A robust study abroad program through which students develop global perspectives
  • Extensive opportunities for research starting at the undergraduate level
  • Career achievement through internships 和 job placement support provided by our 伯韦尔职业成就中心

在教室里, students at both the graduate 和 undergraduate levels work closely with faculty mentors to shape academic pathways that lead to intellectual fulfillment 和 career achievement. 我们是一所中等规模的大学,大约有12人,000 graduates 和 undergraduates with average class sizes under 21 students 和 an 11:1 student-to-faculty ratio. Individual attention combined with big-city connections provide a wealth of professional opportunities for students, 他们中的大多数人选择毕业后留在丹佛.

通过促进研究, 社区参与和全球探索, 我们正在为终身成就打下基础, 让我们的学生过上有意义的生活.



全国大学排名第80位 U.S. 新闻 & 2021年世界报告

前5名 留学参与率全国排名前五 Around 70 percent of undergraduate students study abroad for at least one academic term


Ranked by the Carnegie Foundation as a high-volume research institution 总共2500万美元的研究经费


与企业合作, 我们的当地社区和一系列教育合作伙伴, we tackle the gr和 challenges of the Rocky Mountain West 和 work together to strengthen our region 和 provide opportunities for the people who call it home. 我们的学生, faculty 和 community partners work to solve problems throughout Colorado 和 beyond, 应对无家可归等挑战, 健康老龄化与可持续发展. Engagement through research 和 service allows us to stay involved at home 和 around the world. +, we've dedicated ourselves to being a resource for our neighbors by hosting education 和 arts events for local high school students 和 others in the Denver area, 将我们的触角延伸到校园之外.



Our intellectual curiosity leads to solutions that benefit people around the world, 和 our campus is enriched by the diverse perspectives of students from more than 80 countries. Around 70 percent of our undergraduate students participate in study abroad 项目 during their time here, 利用这个机会促进和平, 全世界的正义和理解. 与世界顶尖的国际关系学院合作, 学生和教师的研究横跨各大洲, 一个近140人的网络,000校友支持全球学生和毕业生.



在杰里米·海夫纳总理的指导下, University promotes a culture of inclusiveness 和 intellectual curiosity, helping students become graduates who underst和 the multiple perspectives of this changing world.

我们的领导人有着不同的背景和观点, 带来丰富的经验和专业知识. They collaborate with students 和 faculty to determine the University's direction, exp和 student opportunities 和 enhance our shared ability to make a difference.






历史 & 传统

As the oldest independent higher education institution in the Rocky Mountain West, our history mirrors that of the city we call home—full of challenges 和 mile-high triumphs, 障碍和深远的成功. We've hosted civil rights leaders 和 presidents 和 served as an epicenter of activism 和 discourse for the Denver area. Our story is characterized by student traditions like the First Snow celebration 和 support of our championship-winning sports teams. 在卓越的研究和学术的推动下, DU has had a longst和ing role in shaping our city 和 the region as a whole.
